L'1% di tutte le vendite va alle organizzazioni non profit ambientali
L'1% di tutte le vendite va alle organizzazioni non profit ambientali
maggio 23, 2018
Nazionalità : canadese
Età : 37
Camera: Nikon D3S
Guanto: Ipsoot
Valleret è orgogliosa di diffondere la sua portata all'estero, tra cui il fotografo di snowboard di backcountry canadese Todd Easterbrook.
Crescendo su uno skateboard sul lato est del Canada, Todd fece il cambiamento naturale su uno snowboard insieme alla mossa a ovest e alle montagne. Una macchina fotografica, legata a un'educazione fotografica e al bug di polvere, Todd si è costruito una carriera fotografica a tempo pieno orientato attorno allo snowboard.
Ora basati su Whister, BC, una scheda divisa e una motoslitta sono solo strumenti del commercio.
Potresti aver individuato il suo lavoro sul numero di riviste di snowboard che vanno dallo snowboard Canada alla rivista di snowboard della Nuova Zelanda, Snowboard Transworld, Method Mag e molti altri.
"Cerco di catturare un paesaggio eccezionale, che include solo uno snowboarder" - Todd Easterbrook.
Altro su Todd, il suo portafoglio e gli ultimi exploit tramite:
sito web: toddeasterbrook.com
Facebook: Fotografia di Todd Easterbook
Instagram: Instagram.com/toddeasterbrook
Foto | Todd Easterbrook
Foto | Todd Easterbrook
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Steve Cole is a seasoned broadcast camera operator with over 14 years of experience covering high-profile events like the FIFA World Cup, the Olympics, Wimbledon, and major music festivals. Starting as a photographer, he transitioned into live broadcast, where he has become an expert in camera operation. When he's not behind the lens, Steve enjoys sharing his street photography adventures on his channel @snapsbyasailor, giving a unique insight into the life of a camera operator.
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Colby Brown is a photographer, photo educator, and author based in Cresco, Pennsylvania, specializing in wildlife, travel, and humanitarian photography. Colby is also the founder of The Giving Lens, a humanitarian photography organization that empowers communities through photography. Leading photo workshops all over the globe, he's guiding aspiring photographers through stunning landscapes across all seven continents. His hands-on approach inspires participants to enhance their skills while capturing the beauty of the world.Catch Colby's latest creations and adventures on his feed:
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Rachel Bigsby is a self-taught wildlife photographer with a lifelong passion for nature and a keen creative eye. At just 27, she has already won prestigious awards like 'Natural Artistry' in Wildlife Photographer of the Year, the Portfolio Award in Bird Photographer of the Year, and is a Nikon Creator with published work in National Geographic. Without formal training, Rachel has carved her own path, using her deep knowledge of wildlife to capture moments that often go unnoticed, creating images that are both scientifically informed and artistically profound. Explore her work and be inspired by her remarkable journey.