L'1% di tutte le vendite va alle organizzazioni non profit ambientali
L'1% di tutte le vendite va alle organizzazioni non profit ambientali
Colby Brown is a photographer, photo educator, and author based in Cresco, Pennsylvania, specializing in wildlife, travel, and humanitarian photography. Colby is also the founder of The Giving Lens, a humanitarian photography organization that empowers communities through photography. Leading photo workshops all over the globe, he's guiding aspiring photographers through stunning landscapes across all seven continents. His hands-on approach inspires participants to enhance their skills while capturing the beauty of the world.Catch Colby's latest creations and adventures on his feed:
Rachel Bigsby is a self-taught wildlife photographer with a lifelong passion for nature and a keen creative eye. At just 27, she has already won prestigious awards like 'Natural Artistry' in Wildlife Photographer of the Year, the Portfolio Award in Bird Photographer of the Year, and is a Nikon Creator with published work in National Geographic. Without formal training, Rachel has carved her own path, using her deep knowledge of wildlife to capture moments that often go unnoticed, creating images that are both scientifically informed and artistically profound. Explore her work and be inspired by her remarkable journey.
Virgil Reglioni is a self-taught photographer and adventure leader passionate about the Arctic. With a focus on polar landscapes and the aurora borealis, he merges exploration with artistry, creating powerful, storytelling-driven images. Virgil guides expeditions through Svalbard, Greenland, and Tromsø, sharing his knowledge and love for the Arctic with others. His favorite photography gloves, the Skadi LRS by Vallerret, keep his hands warm and functional in the harshest environments, allowing him to focus on creativity and capturing unforgettable moments.
Albrecht Voss is an internationally acclaimed architectural photographer based in Leipzig, Germany, known for capturing the elegance of the built environment throughout Europe. His work seamlessly bridges the gap between architecture and nature, creating compelling imagery for architects, hoteliers, and industrial clients. Albrecht frequently shares his knowledge through workshops, while his award-winning photography has earned accolades such as the Hasselblad Masters and Sony World Photography Awards. See his passion for combining artistry and technical precision on his channels:
Dave Williams is a renowned travel and adventure photographer, celebrated for his breathtaking images and expert advice on capturing stunning shots in extreme environments. Specializing in photographing the Arctic and Northern Lights, Dave operates Lofoten Insight, a photo-guiding company in Lofoten, Norway, where he shares his knowledge of the aurora and the beauty of the Arctic archipelago. Dave’s work inspires photographers worldwide to push their boundaries and explore the magic of the northern wilderness. Join him on his adventures and experience the Arctic's wonders and a laugh on the way is included:
Sarah Lyndsay è un paesaggio artistico e un fotografo di auto -ritratto con sede nelle Montagne Rocciose canadesi ed è ampiamente noto per le sue creazioni eteree prese nell'abito giallo. Lavora professionalmente nel settore fotografico e ha un Whippet, Ollie, che è al suo fianco in tutte le avventure. Educe e ispira su YouTube e condivide tutte le scene di come crea video.
Visita il suo fantastico feed social di seguito:
Sebastian Copeland è un rinomato esploratore, fotografo e avvocato ambientale. Le sue accattivanti immagini di regioni in via di estinzione, in particolare le calotte polari, fungono da netto promemoria dell'urgenza dell'azione climatica. Attraverso partenariati e difesa, Copeland ispira il pubblico globale a fare passi significativi verso un futuro sostenibile. I suoi convincenti colloqui TED e acclamati documentari amplificano ulteriormente il suo messaggio di gestione e conservazione ambientale.
Visita i suoi canali per saperne di più:
Roksolyana Hilevych è un fotografo di paesaggi ucraini con sede in Italia. Lei è stata affascinata dalle possibilità della fotografia sin dalla prima infanzia quando all'età di 5 anni ha iniziato a trascorrere molto tempo con suo padre fotografo nella camera oscura per vedere come ha sviluppato i rotoli.
A 18 anni ha iniziato a scattare foto e pianificare avventure in tutto il mondo.La natura è la sua ispirazione, con tutta la bellezza e la varietà di colori e composizioni. Avere la fotografia come passione significa per lei che avrai sempre qualcosa a cui crescere. Questo è ciò che rende la fotografia così uscita.
Christoph Jorda has a captivating journey through over 20 years behind the lens, exploring over 50 countries and capturing the beauty of outdoor scenes set side by side with the stark realities of crisis zones. With a commitment to social and environmental causes, his lens focuses on issues like glacier melt, climate change, poverty, and the plight of refugees. Join him in sparking conversations and inspiring action through the powerful medium of photography. Follow Christoph's inspiring work on Instagram and explore more on his website.
Philip Halvorsen is a seasoned professional drone pilot and drone cinematographer, with over 12 years in the game and a home nestled in the enchanting landscape of Lofoten. He's all about crafting cinematic marvels, even in the harshest Arctic conditions. From classic drone captures to the adrenaline rush of FPV, Philip's got it covered, delivering narratives that transport you. In the photographer's and filmmaker's utopia of Lofoten, he's found his sweet spot, producing storytelling that's as mesmerizing as the northern lights.
Dive into his stomach-shaking work and let your imagination soar!
Felix è un fotografo di Köln in Germania (Colonia). Si concentra su mostrare la propria opinione sulle cose invece di riprodurre le spesso viste. Descrive le sue immagini come fotografia di paesaggio emotivo coinvolgente. Un'immagine funziona solo, se evoca sentimenti. Quei sentimenti possono essere positivi o negativi, caldi o freddi, ma cerca di evitare di mantenere lo spettatore indifferente a ciò che ha davanti ai suoi occhi. Idealmente, ti ritrovi a continuare la storia dell'immagine nei tuoi pensieri, come un film da cui la mia immagine è ferma. Ama viaggiare ed essere nella natura, in particolare la neve e il ghiaccio.